Hey Thuuur.

"When I see your face there's not a thing I want to change because girl your amazing, just the way you are" -BrunoMars Don't worry be happy. There's someone out there that wants you.

Blog Archive

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

& Do The Pretty Girl Rock

There is a junior from a different school than me that hits on me. He does it in a very awkward way. He will call me beautiful & babe. I don't want to date him & he kind of scares me. The other day he asked to marry me on facebook. I told him not now but he said he would be my back up hubby. He has my number & texts me constantly. I have never met this kid & he says he likes when I smile. It kind of mad me feel really awkward. Yesterday, every other text was 'beautiful' this & that. I told my friend about it & he wants to beat him up because it is my ex who wants to date me again. People these days kind of scared me. He also wants to hang out with me & my answer everytime is 'idk.' Also today I thought he was about to ask me to prom but thank gosh he didn't. His date cancelled & asked me who he should take. Finally I just stopped answering. He hasn't answered me since & I think I'm going to stop texting him for awhile. Oh guys these days.
~think positive~

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Friends are like bras, close to you heart & always there for support?

This girl who is my friend got in a fight with my ex. My ex and I were gonna get back together soon. I know my ex as a funny, cute & all around nice guy. He recently got in a huge fight with my friend because she asked me to find out if he cares if they're aren't friends anymore. He said he didn't like her & she's annoying. I being the nice friend I am told her that he had said she was annoying. That was all I said & it all went down. She confronted him yeseterday saying that he had called her annoying. Later that night he was inboxing me on facebook & asked if i told her that he said she was annoying. I told him yes & he had said that she's making him mad & he's pissed. I think he's mad at me & my friends trying to tell me he's an asshole. I haven't talked to him really since then. She then sent me the conversation they had last night & they were fighting. He exchanged some rude & mean comments but so did she. Sometimes I'm thinking the stuff he had said are really the truth. I'm kind of stuck in a pickle. I don't know whether to go on my friends side & lost my friendship with my ex & have no chance of hooking back up or do I take my ex's side, keep the friendship but loose my friends? This has been bothering me for awhile now & I'm not sure what to do? Can anyone help me out or tell me what to do? Thanks.
~Think Positive~

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Don't hate me cuz' im beautiful

Just because I have more friends doesn't mean I'm a plastic. People just may think they are better than you but they don't notice that everyday they are loosing friends and you are gaining them. When you fight with a friend, they try to start stuff and ruin you when really they're ruining themselves. Don't you hate when people send a giant apoligeze note and you make up. Then you ask to be friends again and they knock you right back down. Then after being told that sometimes they dont like you. Well what's the point of even apoligizing. Honestly people don't get that when you forgive that means you be friends again, maybe not as good as friends maybe more as aquientances but still don't shoot the person right down again. Maybe we should have never been friends in the first place.
~Think Positive~